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Plastic bag in a sentence

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Sentence count:119Posted:2017-07-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: plasticplasticsplasticityplasticineplastic wrapthermoplasticplastic surgeryplastic explosiveMeaning: n. a bag made of thin plastic material. 
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61. The murder weapon, a Kalashnikov free of fingerprints, was left at the scene in a plastic bag.
62. A plastic bag containing some of his remains was found two weeks later at Reigate.
63. A body wrapped in a plastic bag is loaded on to a lorry and taken off to the morgue.
64. Farther along the street was a transient who was carrying his belongings in a plastic bag.
65. A temporary solution is to enlarge the pinhole, empty out the water and tie a plastic bag over the ball.
66. The check-out clerks normally pack the already neatly wrapped fresh meat for you in a plastic bag.
67. He had a plastic bag in his pocket and he knelt down in the grass and scooped it up.
68. V., a plastic bag of some clear solution held aloft by one of the paramedics.
69. He opened a plastic bag and began putting things in.
70. Her nose twitched to the smell: mouldy and fetid like sweaty clothes left to stew in a plastic bag.
71. A large plastic bag and some sellotape .
72. Please put all metal objects into the plastic bag.
73. He put his shaving things into a plastic bag.
74. Did you know it took almost 45 minutes for Apollo astronauts to make a bowel movement because their "waste management system" was a plastic bag they had to tape to their butt in zero-gravity?
75. On beaches, keep your camera safe from sand by enveloping it inside a plastic bag.
75. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
76. Optional handling leaves the ladybug sealed inside a clear plastic bag.
77. Initially, it costs the consumer nothing to throw away a plastic bag.
78. Often she stopped on the way to get him a plastic bag of Milo, tied shut with raffia string, a straw poking through.
79. Product is packed in polythene plastic thermal - shrink film or plastic bag.
80. Packing : Product subpackage in double-decked plastic bag, vacuum packing.
81. Closed packing with moisture-proof plastic bag or aluminum foil bag inside, packing with carton boxes outside.
82. Propose that the "plastic limit order" the implementation of a special fund to build flexible plastic bag recycling incentives, the establishment of inter-linkage mechanism policy implementation.
83. The growth and development, yield and fruit quality of netted melon cultivated in plastic bag containing soilless substrate were conducted.
84. You order takeout and the deliveryman leaves you with white plastic bag.
85. Closed packing with moisture-proof plastic bag or aluminum foil bag inside, packing with carton outside.
86. Cut the pomelo flesh into quarters, then place into a sous vide bag or sealable plastic bag.
87. Next, take the string and tie up the opening of the plastic bag.
88. Just put your laundry in the plastic bag in the bath-room. I'll pick it up after I make the bed every morning.
89. This plastic bag is not big enough to hold so many buns.
90. There was this fan letter that a young fan sent me... the letter was in an envelope which was the placed inside a plastic bag.
More similar words: plasticplasticsplasticityplasticineplastic wrapthermoplasticplastic surgeryplastic explosiveplastidelasticinelasticelasticityiconoclasticscholasticisminelastic demandelastic modulusprice elasticityelastic potential energyplaster castplasterplasteredlastingprotoplastblastingangioplastychloroplastplasterboardpalatoplastymyringoplastydermatoplasty
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